Hmm..just received warning from Sony PR that there are fake Sony Handycam camcorders popping up for sale on eBay and elsewhere at the moment. The company is trying to track them down, but in the meantime if you happen to see one that’s a bit too cheap, well….caveat emptor, eh?
Yes, I spied these a few weeks ago when a mate asked me why a camcorder he was looking for was such a good bargain. There are loads of them on eBay (well there was a few weeks back). All the same hardware, but with Sony, JVC…..etc stamped on the side. I don’t think they even take a tape, they’re just a memory card based MP4 recorder. Some of the eBay ads make for an entertaining read…….
Comment by Rob — Thu 11 Aug 2005 @ 10:01 am

Mmm…there don’t seem to be so many on eBay any more though, Rob. Maybe the Sony policing has scared them all off? Bit cheeky though, isn’t it? Sheesh!
Comment by Red — Thu 11 Aug 2005 @ 4:55 pm

[…] After finding the genuine Canon mvx10i has “DV in” by reading an online review I decided to enter a low bid and see how the auction went. Then I googled for “canon mx30-7000″ and found only one result, which was Polish, not being a Polish speaker I didn’t read the website, but wondered why there would be so few results for a camcorder, so I googled for for “mx30-7000″, the results quickly led me to a blog post with a picture of the same camera badged to look like a Sony camera. I then confronted the seller in an email asking which model number was the real one and why the megapixels quoted on the auction description didn’t match the details on the Canon website. His response was. hi on the lens cap itsays mvx 10i on the screen you pull out it says canon mx30-7000 i realy dont know mutch more about this camcoder as i took it in payment of money owed to me it says 4.1 mega pixels on the front of it. it works and also you can connect to the pc by usb i was owed 120 pounds and it looked like it may be worth the amount thanks […]
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